Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Let's try this again

I haven't blogged in so long, and I've been saying for months that I would start again, so here goes. Living in the South should provide a host of entertaining stories to entertain ya'll (see, I'm learning so fast, haha). I'll start with a list of funny words that I've noticed since we moved here.

young'uns: people actually say this, even people my age!!! Still can't believe it..
reckon: again, actually used!!! By "normal" people, not just crazy old guys with the corncob pipes
buggy: instead of grocery cart: makes me giggle every time
fixin:"I'm gonna" still makes me laugh
plug up: instead of plug-in (like for a cord)
mash: the buttons: instead of "press"
bbq: means cook meat, shred it, and mix with sauce. They use "grilled" for what we think of as bbq'd

Here's a list of food products with changed names:

Hardee's: instead of Carl's Jr.
Helman's: instead of Best Foods (mayo)
Chesters: instead of Cheetos

and NO (seriously they look at you like you're smokin something if you ask about...):

Fro Yo of any kind
In-n-Out (of course)
Dim Sum (dim WHAT?)
Thai Food (we have found a few places in Atlanta)
Bubble Tea (I soooo miss them!!)
Sourdough bread :(
Jamba :( :( :(

And it's easier to find a fried chicken place than a Starbucks (and they prefer sweet tea to coffee any day).

I will tell you more about food experiences on my next post. I could write this whole blog on food here, it's insane!!!!

On a side note, we did see our first lightning bugs up close yesterday at Katie (my coworker)'s apartment. They are pretty amazing, though somewhat creepy when buzzing around in your face.

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